I tempi della fine

God has chosen the Land of the Holy Cross (Anguera-Brazil) to announce to the world what will happen

 and CROP CIRCLEs to give the last chance to human being



click here for complete page

click for the 2019 calendary - rev. 3 - 5-12-2019

God the Father has chosen the 19th March Saint Joseph as the day for the biggest earthquake since Adam - the sign of the snake on the crop - then the 4th May for the crash of the big meteorite on the Pacific Ocean.   Many nations will be cancelled -   all this predicted by SAint PAdre Pio da PRECALCINA. All this before the GREAT WARNING promised to Santa Kowalska.



Rev 3- 20-8-2018 SECOND SUN history given by NASA STEREO AHEAD satellite and LASCO




17-8-2017  the END of TIMES COMET STAR CROP CIRCLE - click on the figure

ver. 25  19-8-2018


Jesus will appear in the GREAT WARNING to all the world

rev. 7 - 20-8-2018


Second SUN appears in COLOMBIA coming from back the mountains, it lights up reflecting the SUN light in the night as the MOON DOES. All the globe is shining, then exioting the EARTH PENUMBRA as in a Lunar Eclipse it shows only the CENTRAL BURNING BODY, then disappears in the night

1-1-2018 click for videos in COLOMBIA . 29-1-2018 VIDEO in GLASGOW


    Second Sun orbit: calculation was perfectly made HERE the NEW PATH





here again, the Beckys SECOND SUN taken on 26th June is here again on 21st Dec shot by Paula Gilley in Alabama. Same object of course. This second Shot tell us, it is not the OHIO object star passed during the SATURN viewing. That is a STAR running near light speed that explodes time by time, also proved by frames on the nasa satellites Stereo A and LASCO.

click on the figure for the video - here the direct channel

this photo shows it at a distance of 20 milions/Km - 12.5 mil/miles

SECOND SUN IS ALREADY HERE -  a CROP tells the last 3.5 turns round the SUN  rev. 10


the SECOND SUN the CELESTIAL BODY  taken DURING NIGHT TIME on 26-6-2017 (see analysis)

click here for complete page



ISRAEL DESTRUCTION complete decoding - click on figure ver. 7


HOLY FAMILY against Antichrist: the COMPLETE 12-8-2016 CROP CIRCLE decoding

rev. 8.0 - a NEW CROP lead also to same dates - BAD TIMES for SCIENCE and CATHOLICS - the NOVEMBER and DECEMBER happenings. Clik on figure to download



26 OCT VIDEO in OHIO SHOWs a collapsing star into a BLACK HOLE HERE NEARBY

 so the next could be a WHITE DWARF sucking SUN ENERGY exploding into a SUPERNOVA

video REV.6 PDF FILE  REV.8


   rev. 8   Second Sun orbit: calculation was perfectly made HERE the NEW PATH

NASA satellite STEREO AHEAD CORONAGRAPH 2 - the proof of the SECOND SUN/ STAR PASSING - deleted hours of recordings


JARED KUSHNER is an ENEMY of the HUMAN POPULATION - and the 666 RFID is belonging from them - VIDEO


The Evil action will occur in the feast of a great saint, the one who when he was called by God fell from his horse and his life was transformed 2,532 - 05.06.2005 [SAN PAOLO is the fallen martyr]

Here are the times of great trials for the Church. Inside it there are those who will open the doors to let the murderers, and mockers. 2943 - 15/01/2008 - The terror of men will reach the Vatican. The square will be full of dead bodies. Humanity will see the evil action of men from the big beard. The Colosseum will collapse. 2553 - 24.07.2005 - St. Peter's land will be 2,574 rubble - 12.09.2005

One who will be Peter become Judas [*]. Will open the doors to enemies and will suffer the men and women of faith. 3046-29 / 08/2008 [* in 2008 B.V. Maria uses the future given that Bergoglio will then be elected on 03.13.2013]

The enemies will open doors and men from big beard will act with great fury. 3273-30 January 2010 - The sea beast will advance and will cause great destruction in the building. The doors will open for wolves with lamb skin. 2999 - 20/05/2008 - friends of the king * joined against him, but God will punish them severely for their betrayal and because they will open the doors to let the killers. The city of the seven hills will fall 2,502 - 29.03.2005 [* King: Pope Benedict XVI]

The men from the big beard are preparing a great evil action. In different areas and at the same time we will be suffering and pain.
An army will explode 2,548 - 14.07.2005 - [and Medjugorje message to Mirjana of 2 December 2015 confirming: The Church suffers persecution because from the outside and betrayed from within]


the Second Sun near the Earth will provoke the GLOBAL EARTHQUAKE predicted as the 7th Apocalipse plague

Luke 17, 26 'As it was in Noah's day, so will it also be in the days of the Son of man. 27 People were eating and drinking, marrying wives and husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and the Flood came and destroyed them all. 28 It will be the same as it was in Lot's day: people were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, 29 but the day Lot left Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and it destroyed them all. 30 It will be the same when the day comes for the Son of man to be revealed. 31 'When that Day comes, no one on the housetop, with his possessions in the house, must come down to collect them, nor must anyone in the fields turn back. 32 Remember Lot's wife. 33 Anyone who tries to preserve his life will lose it; and anyone who loses it will keep it safe. 34 I tell you, on that night, when two are in one bed, one will be taken, the other left; 35 when two women are grinding corn together, one will be taken, the other left.'



Medjugorie 2-5-2017 - CROP Circle Indicates the DOVE SIGN between 1st and 13 May 2017 - May 2008 Message: Humanity faces serious conflicts and my poor children do not know where to go. I want to help you. Open your hearts. From heaven will be a warning to Europe. Anyone who was given much, much will be asked. The house of God will be closed. Violence will be great and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. 3.001 - 24/05/2008


DOVE appeared on 2nd MAY, and decoded on the  8th of MAY

let's shift the references from 13-5 (FATIMAs starting) to 13-10 (the CENTURY end):

the DOVE is set NOW at 8-5-19: a GREAT SIGN



since 11-11-2013 923380

There will come a day when there will be two thrones, but only one will sit the true successor of Peter. Anguera 3098 - 23/12/2008

two men would lead Peter's crown in recent times, one does not come from God (and it shows ... the gesture: i love satan ... and

Here cOme the times I foretold 3.843 - July 8, 2013 Do you live in the worst time since the GREAT flood


the Orthodox Patriarch Elijah Byzantine Catholic Orthodox Patriarchate, in the name of God, One and TRINO, declares the excommunication and the curse of God in Galatians 1: 8-9 on Francesco - Bergoglio, for his heresies, and to all those who follow him, for betraying Christ, God and the Holy Spirit, declaring servant Antichrist leading to eternal damnation those who follow him. Here the statement

Gloria Polo Ortiz says hell. After being struck by lightning in the street, charred and dead on the couch and resuscitates all its organs are redone before the doctors. It is sent back here to tell her experience of hell. He tells what 'we will see and we will live during the Great Warning. Hell exists. If you think you are right, pray and be converted, that tells what is not even imaginable. She thought she was Catholic and just. click for video











le seguenti dizioni sono state utilizzate in vari messaggi iniziali (es. 2005), ma poi, pian piano, utilizzati anche i nomi veri

LEON = Iran the king nation = Italy/vatican
Orso feroce = Russia seven hill town-city = Rome
Nido dell'Orso = Mosca king = Pope
Dragon = Cina great bird men = terrorists
Eagle = USA palace = Saint Peter
Earth of the Queen = England  


Fire = bombs Saviour nation = Israel
oriental snake= China/comunism Giant = second sun
bird = aircraft blac bird = vaiolo, pest, radioactivity

We see the issues one by one. Keep in mind that the issues are separate, so the schism of the Catholic Church, has to be considered, in terms of time, as in the other events are held, as explained by the messages. NOTE: SINGLE messages from point to point. They are listed in order of time. They were extracted individual phrases from the messages trying to place them in a consistent pattern divided by topics. You can access the FULL text of each message, where indicated with (complete message tracking or by clicking on the year)

complete messages: Messages 2005 Messages 2006 Messages 2007 Messages 2008 Messages 2009 Messages 2010  Messages 2011  Messages 2012 - Messages 2013 - Messages 2014  - Messages 2015  - Messages 2016 - Prophetic Messages 2005-2016



The Savior [ISRAEL] country will suffer a lot, but when he hears the defeat will defend itself with weapons that spread the fire in the sky. 2501 - 26.03.2005

The city of Jerusalem will be destroyed and when will the great tribulation will not be recognized; will remain just a big desert 2,514 - 26.04.
5 (Luke 19,43)

A proud man will do deals with Iran. He seems to be a peacemaker, but in truth it will be a thorn for many nations. The men of terror, led by the one who has the appearance of a prophet, will bring suffering and pain to the Eagle's Nest [USA] and the country of the Savior. Here came the times I foretold. 2516 - 30.04.
2005 [Note: FIRST EVENT SAID that marks the beginning of the END TIMES agreement in Geneva USA - IRAN del 11/24/2013]

Israel will live the anguish of a condemned, because they will be surprised by the men of terror. 2544 - 03/07/

Syria betray, but then will drink his own poison. 2552 - 23.07.

Iran will be devastated by Israel. The earth will shake and tremble for the great atomic holocaust. 2557 - 04.08.

In Jerusalem, a temple will be achieved. The violence will grow 2,563 - 16.08.


The Savior's city will disappear  [Bethlehem or Nazareth?], but men of faith will be saved 2,636 - 02/02/2006

It will come from Iran and  men will be afraid 2,649- 04/03/

the kings of the East will join the great battle and humanity will lead a heavy cross 2,694 - 16/06/
2006 [Revelation - 9, 13 - the sixth trumpet]

On a mountain near Jerusalem a frightening event will happen 2695 - 17/06/
2006 [3rd secret of Fatima? see note]

the black bird will go to Europe and where shall rest will leave its mark of destruction and death. The violence will grow and the men will bring a heavy cross. 2718 - 10/08/

It is a disease and will be worse than all those that have ever existed. Men will be contaminated and millions of dead bodies will be scattered everywhere 2,719 - 12/08/

a large army will depart from Mecca and where will leave a trail of destruction and death. The wickedness of man will be so great in the earth that the Lord will bring forward the day of the Final Judgement. 2722 - 19/08/

The black bird will rest in God's house. His strength will cause destruction and death. 2735 - 18/09/

Death will pass through the holy city. The terror will be immense. There was throughout its history a similar incident. Pray. I suffer because of what awaits you. 2806 - 03.03.

The black bird will act and will cause terror in all the East. Will go to the Eagle's Nest [
USA] and her children will suffer 2,846 - 03/06/

Israel will cry. Death will pass and it will be great destruction. The great city will be surrounded and its inhabitants know a heavy cross. 2899 - 06/10/

the ferocious bear
[Russia] will feed the lion [Iran] and this will gain great strength to the  attack 2902- 13/10/

The lion sons [Iran] will act with great fury against the house of God 3,006 - 05/06/

Jerusalem will be a story that will attract the world's attention. For the Church will be a great suffering 3,027 - 17/07/

the furious lion [Iran] will attack the Church and cause great suffering to My poor children 3.030 - 22/07/
2008 The minds will unite and will plan a major attack

Israel, almost your entire population will be exterminated. In the center of this country will experience great catastrophes. In Jerusalem will happen barbarians facts related to religion and government. Even in this nation the earth-shaking many times. October 21,
2007 [prophecies in Ferreira]

Jerusalem and many neighboring cities will experience a heavy cross.
Great shall be the devastation 3,145 - 10/04/
2009 (Good Friday)

The Middle East will tremble with the great atomic holocaust. 3272-28-1-

There will come a day when the furious lion will lay at the foot of the dragon [China] 3281 -17 February 2010. The union of the fairs will bring great suffering for my poor children

Bethlehem will live the anguish of a condemned man. The destruction will be great and my poor children will experience a heavy cross. 3.311 - April 27,


USA Attacks and other world wide places

The most frightening of the 15th century is any reoccurrence. 2483 - 15.02.2005

The wise men came together and have prepared in the laboratory destruction. Men will see the death that exists to give 2,487 lives - 24.02.

The dragon [China] will face the eagle [USA] will launch and focus on her children, causing the destruction of much of its nest [country] 2,492 - 08.03.

nuclear and biological weapons will be used by men with big beards and terror will spread to various nations. Know that there will be a big chaos in the world economy and only the meek and humble of heart can survive 2,518 - 03.05.

Russia will make an agreement and this agreement will be built something painful for men. The plague will not allow those who have been contaminated to recognize. Those who have been infected will be unable to think. 2520 - 10.05.
2005 // Russia will make an agreement that will bring suffering and death to many of my poor children. 3.810 - April 23, 2013

Smallpox will be used as a weapon against a nation by men from the big beard. 2531 - 04.06.

Terror will come to a big city by water. 2547 - 12.07.

The men from the big beard are preparing a great evil action. In different areas and at the same time we will be suffering and pain. An army will explode 2,548 - 14.07.

Know that a famous city remain deserted. Epidemic will take away from it many of its inhabitants and the other will die 2,559 - 09.08.

The men from the big beard will act in a big city. In the laboratory is of great destruction weapon was prepared. 2575 - 13.09.

Men have prepared the virus of death and My poor children will know great suffering. There will be no barriers to hold its advance. Humanity is spiritually blind and came hard times for you. Kenya will need help. 2594 - 25.10.
The disease that resembles an immense field with green herbs torment men. The men of terror will be the  offenders 2,607- 26.11.


An epidemic will spread to many nations and My poor children will know a heavy cross. 2626 - 10/01/

Iberia will be the nest of the fairs, which will bring great suffering for mankind. 2693 - 13/06/

The pain will be great for my poor children. Chiloé: terror will pass. 2.697- 22/06/
2006 The island of Chiloé is located in southern Chile.

It is a disease and will be worse than all those that have ever existed. Men will be contaminated and millions of dead bodies will be scattered everywhere 2,719 - 12/08/

* The bird will be injured in the coast and many nests are destroyed. A mountain will fall and there will be great destruction in many regions. Russia will stumble and proud man will act with the strength given to him by demonio.2.780 - 01.01.
2007 [* eagle =USA]

The inhabitants of Philadelphia will live moments of great difficulty. Terror will come. The poison will spread and contaminate many of my poor children. 2821 - 07.04.

The black bird will act and will cause terror in all the East. Will go to the Eagle's Nest [USA] and her children will suffer 2,846 - 03/06/

The men of terror will spread the poison and death will pass 2,847 - 05/06/

Men act of terror in the land of the Holy Cross (Brazil). The action will occur in the land of the Divine. 2851 - 16/06/

The enemies will come in Manhattan and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. 2924 - 01/12/

The great brain of humanity [USA] will fall and people will feel the force of the great commander of the East sword ... The rat walking underground in the direction of the white palace after passing through the two rivers with wild animals names * 16 April
2008 [prophecies in Ferreira] * [River POTOMAC -> Army of POTOMAC - and Anacostia River in Washington DC]

Men of great destruction will cause terror in the Holy Land Cross (Brazil) 3169 - 05/06/

the eagle will not fly quiet. Its nest will tremble and there will be dismay 3.280 - 16 February 2010

The eagle's nest will be flooded and there will be great destruction. Terror will spread and My poor children will weep and lament. 3.347 - July 18,


other WORLDWIDE ATTACKS     2010 messages for l'EUROPA

The wise men came together and have prepared in the laboratory destruction. Men will see the death that exists in order to give life. 2487 - 24.02.

The richest men in the world will be in trouble; spread your hand to the poor and ask pardon. Europe will touch
the lowest misery 2,517 - 01.05.

nuclear and biological weapons will be used by men with big beards and terror will spread to various nations. 2518 - 03.05.

One who spreads terror will be taken and the mother of the terrible nations will be hit. 2536 - 14.06.

Smallpox will be used as a weapon against a nation by men from the big beard. The suffering will be great for many. 2531 - 04.06.

Terror will spread to various nations. Taiwan will experience great pain 2519 - 07.05.

The men from the big beard will act in a big city. In the laboratory is of great destruction weapon was prepared. 2575 - 13.09.


An army will march to Europe leaving a trail of destruction and death. 2708 - 18/07/

It is a disease and will be worse than all those that have ever existed. Men will be contaminated and millions of dead bodies will be scattered everywhere. 2719 - 12/08/

the black bird will go to Europe and where shall rest will leave its mark of destruction and death. The violence will grow and the men will bring a heavy cross. 2718 - 10/08/

The men from the big beard will act with great fury. Germany will suffer 2,743 - 07/10/

Approaching the time of the great battle. A fast focus will fall upon men. The valve will open. 2820 - 05.04.

There will come a day when a famous Brazilian city will be invaded. The men will march furious and spread terror and death 2838 - 17/05/

Men act of terror in the land of the Holy Cross (Brazil). The action will occur in the land of the Divine. 2851 - 16/06/

The men of terror will act with great fury. A temple will be destroyed 2,878 - 18/08/

The West will tremble for the disastrous event caused by the invisible enemy. 2923 - 27/11/
2007 [Smallpox? referred to in the message 2531 - 04.06.2005? or an embedded virus in the Arctic ice? see following message - God permits and wise men will give the news. It existed, does not exist and will exist. The answer will come. Know that great are the mysteries of the Lord. Kneel in prayer. 2809 - 10.03.2007]


A revolt will cause destruction and death in various countries of Europe. 3.265 - January 12,

Europe will be poor, and everywhere there will be great despair. 3.271 - January 26,

A frightening will happen in Spain and spread in various European countries. France will drink the bitter cup of pain. 3.282 - 20 February

A force devastating cross Europe causing destruction and death. 3.303 - April 7,

Death will pass through Europe and will leave a big trail of destruction. Similar suffering will be experienced by the inhabitants of the Earth Holy Cross (Brazil). 3.339 - July 2,

Europe will bring a heavy cross. Death and destruction will afflict My poor children. Geneva will ask for help. 3.405 - 27 November

Messages 2011  Messages 2012 - Messages 2013

The death will cross several European countries and the destruction will be great. . China will drink the bitter cup of pain. You will see a great devastation. Napoli will ask for help. 3450 - March 12,

Europe tremble. Three countries ask for help 3.513 - July 19,

A sorrowful event will happen in Europe. Death will pass through several countries and My poor children will weep and lament. 3.644 - April 24,

A great revolt will rise in Europe and in many countries there will be bloodshed. 3.663 - June 5,

Death will pass through Europe, will pass through several countries and the pain will be great for my poor children. 3.741 - 24 November

Europe's population will decline alarmingly. Multitudes will seek relief in many regions of the earth. Rich and poor will go in the same direction and eat the same bread. Faith will be present in a few hearts 3.804 - April 13,

Serious conflicts will spread to Brazil and a serious and painful attack will draw the world's attention. 3.886 - October 12,



The palace will be surprised by the invasion and bloody furious men from the big beard. 2529 - 31.05.

The terror of the men reach the Vatican. The square will be full of dead bodies. Humanity will see the evil action of men from the big beard. The Colosseum will collapse. 2553 - 24.07.

In a temple there will be a big explosion. The men of terror will act with great fury 2597 - 01.11.

The city of seven hills will be destroyed 2,592 - 22.10.
2005 [Revelation 17 Revelation 19]

St. Peter's land will be rubble -2,574  12.09.

The city of the seven hills will drink the bitter cup of pain. Will be bathed in the blood and terror will spread throughout 2775 - 21/12/

A great multitude will march in the direction of the palace. In their hearts, hatred and desire for violence. The king will be abandoned by many of his subjects 2862 - 12/07/

An attack against the house of the Lord will draw the world's attention. One who opposes Christ will act with great fury. 2889 - 14/09/


One who opposes Christ will march with his army, and come to the big city. The throne of Peter will tremble 2,937 - 01/01/

Because of the black relic of men from the big beard, there will be great pain for my poor children. The humanity will tremble before the painful events that are to come. 2945 - 19/01/

VATICAN The stones will fall and the seat will be forced to change seats. The temple will be torn into two parts. One in favor of the East and one in favor of the West. Even Rome will be rewarded for the desecration of the house of the Lord. 23/01/
2008 [prophecies Ferreira]

The men from the big beard will act against the Christians. The walls of the building will be stained with blood 2968 - 11/03/

the men followers of the false prophet will march with great fury in the direction of the holy temple. There will be great destruction. The Church will weep and complain. On this day a lunar eclipse  will be visible
  2,975 - 23/03/

a great multitude, and we will march in their hearts there is great desire for revenge. Bring suffering and pain to faithful men. Profane the sanctuary, and the pain will be great for the Church of My Jesus. 2979 - 01/04/

The enemies of the Church will act with great fury. Burn a  Sanctuary 2,995- 10/05/

Will rise the great relic and there will be a war between religious 2,997 - 13/05/
2008 There will be great invasion and in the palace you will see great destruction - Matthew 24.15

The enemies will act with great fury against the Church of My Jesus. The temples will be invaded and there will be great destruction. 3011 - 17/06/

a great multitude, and will march with great fury will cause great destruction. Destroy the city of seven hills and occupy the throne of Peter 3018 - 01/07/

Russia will be a stone for many nations and Rome will be destroyed by fire 3.207 - August 29,


The enemies will open doors and men from big beard will act with great fury 3.273 - January 30,

Men act of terror against the Church. They will try to destroy a temple. Italy will be shaken by this painful event 3.319 - May 15,


ITALY & FRANCE REVOLUTIONS & internal problems

The richest men in the world will be in trouble; spread your hand to the poor and ask pardon. Europe will touch the lowest misery - 2,517 01.05.2005

Know that there will be a big chaos in the world economy and only the meek and humble of heart can survive 2,518 - 03.05.

A great revolt will happen in Italy 2868 - 27/07/
2007 The men will march towards the Vatican and cause pain and destruction.

The fate of Paris will remember Sodom and Rome has the fate of Gomorrah. May 16, 2008 [prophecies in Ferreira]

Europe will rise up against the Church 3051 - 08/09/

Europe will become poor spiritually and materially. nations will disappear and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. The worst is yet to come. 3144 - 07/04/

A sorrowful event will happen in France and will bring great suffering for the Church. The revolt is the result of disobedience 3,036 - 05/08/

A great revolt will rise in Europe and in many countries there will be bloodshed 3.663 - June 5,

[FRANCE] The Great Bear will rise up against you. September 8, 2007 [prophecies in Ferreira]


3rd World War

the struggle between the two giants will claim the lives of many innocents. The fury of the beast will leave thousands of corpses scattered on the earth and mankind will go through the pain. 2474 - 25.01.2005

a proud man ordered its construction and its location made it possible to make visible the presence of the enemy * ..... is born from injustice, but his end will come from Justice #. God is always the same. He is Mercy and Justice. 2484 - 17.02.
2005 [* note: artificial satellites. # Cf. mess. n. 2954 - 09/02/2008 What men have placed at the top will be consumed by fire]

The dragon [CHINA] will face the eagle [USA] and launch fire on his children, resulting in the destruction of much of its nest. 2492 - 08.03.

Russia trample many nations and humanity will live moments of great pain. A great tragedy happen in Korea. The men are destroyed by their own hands. 2536 - 14.06.

The leader of a great nation will suffer an attack. The danger of a third war becomes real 2540 - 25.06.

There will be war. The evil deed of man will cause death and destruction in various countries. 2592 - 22.10.
2005 A perverse man will command a great invasion. The city of seven hills will be destroyed.



The ferocious bear [Russia] will go in search of its space. What men have placed in the top, God will do it fall to the ground [satellites?] 2,788 - 20.01.

Russia will stumble and proud man will act with the strength given to him by the devil 2,780 - 01.01.

The land of the queen will live moments of great tribulation. A destructive fire will come upon her. 2795 - 06.02.

A fast will cause destruction in the fire of the Holy Cross Terra (Brazil). Terror will spread and My poor children will carry a heavy cross. 2859 - 03/07/

fast and the land of King will be hit in a fire will come Earth queen. 2890 - 15/09/

The lack of understanding between the three kings will bring great suffering to My poor children. Three tents crolleranno.2.891 - 18/09/

Three giants join together to make war, but it will be a man of peace that will contribute to the peaceful coexistence between them 2,893 - 22/09/

The seed of evil still exists and the ferocious bear feeds on it. 3065 - 11/10/

A frightening will happen in Europe and will reach 3,246 three countries simultaneously - November 28,


The alliances  - the war start

The dragon [China] will face the eagle [USA] will launch and fire on her children, causing the destruction of much of its nest 2492 - 08.03.2005

A quick fire will reach the palace, but the stone will not be broken. 2537 - 18.06.
2005 The man will see a great mystery: the night will become day. The line, from water to water hidden ground will be broken (?).

Russia will stumble and will face a heavy cross 2,717 - 08/08/

From St. Petersburg released a plug that will hurt my poor children. The Guardian was born there and its branches spread throughout the world. Its venom is deadly, but the Lord will be in defense of His 2,778 - 26/12/

The stones will fall on the bear fierce. 2753 - 31/10/

fast fire will fall on the largest cities 2,785 - 13.01.2007 Humanity will live the anguish of a condemned man.
A serious conflict will lead to a major catastrophe.

It happens a frightening fact. The ferocious bear will come to  fighters 2,881- 25/08/
The lack of understanding between the three kings will bring great suffering to My poor children. Three tents collapse 2,891 - 18/09/

The union of men from the big beard with those of red will cause great pain to humanity. 2,908 - 27/10/
2007 [terrorists iran and china?]

A scary fact will happen in Paris, and will be repeated in Cuba 2911 - 03/11/

A fast fire will fall on Derby 2913 - 06/11/

Russia will stumble and proud man will act with the strength given to him by the devil 2,780 - 01.01.
2007 The bird [USA] will hurt the coast and many nests are destroyed. A mountain will fall and there will be great destruction in many regions.

[USA] The great brain of humanity will fall and people feel the power of the sword of the great commander of the East ... The rat walking underground in the direction of the white palace after passing through the two rivers with wild animals * 16 names April 2008 [prophecies Ferreira]

* [River POTOMAC -> Army of POTOMAC - and Anacostia River in Washington D.C.] The great city that is at the side of the Potomac * will live moments of great affliction 3,428 - 20/01/

Minds will unite and will plan the large attack 3,030 - 22/07/
2008 furious lion attack the Church and cause great suffering to My poor children

three nations will join you and persecute the Church. In these nations, the consecrated it will be prevented from performing his duties, but the mighty hand of God will act in favor of his Church 3038 - 09/08/

A quick cross fire the skies from different countries of Europe. Fall of a famous temple 3.189 - July 18,

There will come a day when the ferocious bear will join the Lion devouring.
Animal fury will fall on the Church and my poor children will carry a heavy cross consecrated 3135 - 17/03/


Messages 2005 Messages 2006 Messages 2007 Messages 2008 Messages 2009 Messages 2010  Messages 2011  Messages 2012 - Messages 2013 - Messages 2014  - Messages 2015  - Messages 2016


Messages 2005

Three large stones from the east will fall on different countries, causing destruction and death 2498 - 20.03.2005

The ferocious bear will go to various nations and will arrive in Rome. There he will leave his mark, and blood will flow on earth 2498 - 20.03.

The city of the seven hills will fall 2,502 - 29.03.

The richest men in the world will be in trouble; spread your hand to the poor and ask pardon. Europe will touch 2,517 fund - 01.05.

nuclear and biological weapons will be used by men with big beards and terror will spread to various nations. Know that there will be a big chaos in the world economy and only the meek and humble of heart can survive 2,518 - 03.05.

Berlin will be rubble - 2,521
- 12.05.

St. Peter's land will be rubble - 2,574 - 12.09.

Rome will lose its glory and fame and suffering will be great for my poor children 2,622 - 31.12.

Messages 2006

An army will march to Europe leaving a trail of destruction and death 2708 - 18/07/2006

The destruction will arrive in North Italy and Denia [Spain] will bring a heavy cross. 2710 - 22/07/

The Netherlands will drink the bitter cup of pain. Death will pass 2,720 - 15/08/

Marseille will be destroyed 2,732 - 12/09/

Those who are on the banks of the Rhine will ask for help. 2737 - 23/09/

Hungary will live moments of difficulty. Terror will come and My poor children will weep and lament 2740 - 30/09/

Terror will come to Tampa and Tumbes 2,749 - 21/10/

Two cities: white and pink. Terror will come 2755 - 04/11/

Cries and moans are heard in Surat (India). 2756 - 07/11/

Terror will come to Cham and to the city of the great tower 2757 - 09/11/

Cries and moans are heard in Perth (Australia). 2761 - 18/11/

Delhi will weep bitterly and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. 2769 - 08/12/

Pray for the people of Hannover 2771 - 10/12/


Messages 2007

FRANCE - The Great Bear will rise up against you. September 2, 2007 - São José dos Pinhais / PR Message of Jesus [prophecies in Ferreira]

There will come a day when the furious dragon will launch fire on Bear's nest 2930 - 15/12/
2007- china shoots on fly

The inhabitants of Germany and Switzerland will know great sufferings 2,931 - 18/12/

It will explode War of Rome and will be few survivors. One who opposes Christ will bring suffering and pain to all of Europe. Peter's Throne will be empty 2939 - 05/01/

May 16, 2008 - São José dos Pinhais / PR Message of the Virgin Mary to  Ferreira
A great mystery unearthed bring many questions to man. The light will shine on Mount Sinai and the angel sounds his trumpet toward the east, bringing tremor primarily to Israel. The city known as "the sun entrance" will lose its leader. The fate of Paris will remember Sodom and Rome has the fate of Gomorrah.


Death will pass through several countries of Europe 3115 - 27/01/2009

Russia will be a stone for many nations and Rome will be destroyed by fire 3.207 - August 29,

The day will come when Europe will stretch out his hand to the world as a beggar who needs help 3.207 - August 29,

Europe will be poor, and everywhere there will be great despair 3,271 - January 26, 2010

a frightening event will happen in Geneva and will be repeated in Pernambuco. Geneva will live moments of great tribulation. The fury of the invisible enemy reach my poor children 3.302 - April 6,

Death will pass through Europe and will leave a big trail of destruction. Similar suffering will be experienced by the inhabitants of the Earth Holy Cross (Brazil) 3.339 - July 2,

Europe will bring a heavy cross. Death and destruction will afflict My poor children. Geneva will ask for help. 3.405 - 27 November

Amman (Jordan) will tremble. The East will drink the bitter cup of pain 3432 - 29/01/

Europe tremble. Three countries ask for help 3.513 - July 19,

Europe's population will decline alarmingly. Multitudes will seek relief in many regions of the earth. Rich and poor will go in the same direction and eat the same bread. Faith will be present in a few hearts 3.804 - April 13,

The day will come when there will be a great war. 4.047 - October 14,



ANGUERA MESSAGES from  Pedro Regis

the prophetic messages are mostly foretold starting from year 2005

complete messages ANGUERA 1987 - 2004 - word  - pdf

complete messages ANGUERA 2013 - word - pdf

complete messages ANGUERA 2005 - 2012 - word - pdf

complete messages ANGUERA 2005-2015 - WORD - PDF



Messages 1987-88-89

Messages 2005

Messages 1990-91

Messages 2006

Messages 1992-93

Messages 2007

Messages 1994-95

Messages 2008

Messages 1996-97 

Messages 2009

Messages 1998-99

Messages 2010

Messages 2000-2001

Messages 2011

Messages 2002-03-04

Messages 2012

Messages 2013

the more important prophetic messages before 2005

Messages 2014

 messages 458 per provare la veridicità delle apparizioni  - pdf

Messages 2015 - Messages 2016


original website  www.apelosurgentes.com.br


Dear children, the task that I have entrusted to you is great. Bring the world all my messages! I need each one of you. (N. 1000 - 08.29.1995)


The Holy Virgin MAry  releases the messages contained in this text appears in Brazil, Bahia State in Fazenda Malhada Nova, Anguera Hall of Pedro Regis. The apparitions began September 29, 1987 and still exist today. In the beginning the apparitions took place only on Saturdays, later also added on Tuesday after a third appearance on any day of the week, only for the seer. I am 23 years, so far with an impressive number of messages (more than 3900) carefully numbered. Since 2005 the amount of those with prophetic content has grown. Since 2010 there has been a change in the structure of language, which went from an indeterminate future to "now." What caught the attention of many readers were the prophetic messages relating to disasters of Madeira and the earthquake been caused after a few weeks.



Pedro Régis it has grown humble farmer in a small ranch of the interior of Bahia, in a place that surely were it not for the manifestation of Mary would be nothing but a sleepy town and forgot the Bahian wilderness. He attended the Magisterium in Anguera. Son of Jonas Sr. and gives Amalia, people who enjoy extreme credibility in the community, has 14 brothers. They are simple people, friendly, welcoming and good will, converse with all those who go there, exercising a true apostolate and his son Pedro to Our Lady love. They live cultivating beans, millet and cassava. Their life has changed enough since the beginning of the apparitions. Recite the Rosary every day, fast in Friday on bread and water, and try to follow faithfully the path of Christ


the reason why the Holy Virgin Mary appears

Message n.2.578 - 22.09.2005
Dear children, these are the times of great tribulations. Trust in the Lord. Your strength is in Him who sees in secret and knows each of you by name. Be careful. Do not turn away from the truth. God has sent me to you to warn you of everything that has to happen. What I say is not to make you afraid. I want to prepare you so that you can withstand the weight of the cross. If you pray you will understand that my appeals are not of fear, but warning that leads you to hope. Keep balances. Those who plan against my plans will not get anything. Those who belong I know understand my call. Kneel in prayer. Next. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thanks for allowing me to reunite you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

3.858 - August 10, 2013 - Enhance your life and not remain silent in front of deceitful campaigns against life and against the sanctity of marriage. Be an example of faith and courage to others. God needs your yes. The powerful of this world create laws to offend the Creator. The laws against life aim to remove the Lord from the society and make men slaves of the devil. You are of God. Defend what is the Lord's. Your silence strengthens the enemies of God. Say yes to life. Say no to the killing of the innocent. All the evil that you do against the small of God will lead to eternal perdition.



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