Royal Device

antichrist and the schism of the Catholic Church and the triumph of Christ over the forces of evil

the stone which the builders rejected will become the HEAD ANGLE

from the shrine will come the light that will illuminate and make the catholic Church victorious  3024 - 14/07/2008

After all the tribulation the Lord will allow
to his Church, there will be the great victory. Among the passion and resurrection, the prophets will come and announce to the world the great signal. 3091 - 06/12/2008

and if you still be here you will say: IT WAS ALL TRUE!!!


since 5-3-2017



MESSAGES of the Virgin Mary to ANGUERA who predicts

  the two popes, the schism of the Catholic Church, the Antichrist entrance and the victory of Christ over the forces of evil



[Note: the opponent is 'the antichrist - the KING is Benedict XVI° and the FALSE PROPHET is Bergoglio]

PROLOGUE 5-the throne is vacant - the loss of faith and the schism
1-Annoucing of the antichrist action 6-the antichrist in the place of the REAL POPE
1.1-the ANTICHRIST APPEARS TO THE WORLD 7-Catholic church persecution
1.2-the SECOND FALSE PROPHET APPEARS 8-The triunph of the Immaculate Heart of the Holy Virgin MAry
2-the Judahs open the vatican doors for destruction 9-the GREAT TRIBULATION
3-the march toward the palace 10-Jesus Christ and the TRIUMPH on the EVIL forces
4-invasion and war into the palace AFTER ALL THE TRIBULATION NEW EARTH & NEW SKIES

(for a full message check out please see below links by years and please use automatic translation)

complete messages: Messages 2005 Messages 2006 Messages 2007 Messages 2008 Messages 2009 Messages 2010  Messages 2011  Messages 2012 - Messages 2013 - Messages 2014  - Messages 2015  - Messages 2016 - Prophetic Messages 2005-2016

original website


PROLOGUE - The election of Bergoglio takes place on 13/03/2013

The Virgin Mary 3 days after confirms that the papacy will be short

3098 - 23/12/2008 - There will come a day when there will be two thrones, but only on one will sit the true successor of Peter. This will be the time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth

2505 - 04.04.2005
- The day will come when there will be a contempt in the house of God, and what is holy shall be cast out. A
xino * will be on the throne against many, but God is the Lord of Truth. What I tell you now you can not understand it, but one day will be revealed and all will be clear to you. The mirror here is the mystery. [* Must be read in the mirror: XINO ----> ONIX - Onyx - the BLACK STONE, the  BLACK PETER - the BLACK POPE]

3123 - 15/02/2009 The tree will be planted in another field and will give many fruits

3.776 - February 13 2013
-  Here the time I announced to you in the past.
Now begin the first steps in the direction of Calvary, but the way of the cross is still long

3777-16 February 2013 - The Church will still have Peter [
She speaks resigned Pope sidelined - PETER is  BENEDICT XVI, who will return' to the END TIMES]

3779-19 February 2013. The elects of God know that the ordeal of the journey is painful, but they also know that after the pain will be the victory. Jesus will not abandon his Church

3.782 - February 28, 2013 P
eter will walk among thorns.
The directions of the Church will change and many who are faithful shall wash their hands. The war will come to where it should come peace (note: among the prelates)

3,783 - March 2, 2013 The great ship (the Church) will face storms ever seen. It will be surrounded by enemies and many will le
ave her.
The net will be launched, but it will break, leaving important fishes escape. [Note: many important prelates not according to heresies are biting and demands of the False Prophet]

3,785 - March 5, 2013 The boat of Peter will wave and there will be great confusion. Peter and the secret here is the answer.

3786-9 March 2013,
A agreement will cause great confusion.
There is no loyalty where there is no truth. [Note: "Agreement" the resignation of Benedict XVI to take over the one who IS NOT GOD "- see the last Fatima secret]

3787-11 March 2013. There is no victory without the cross. The Church will
carry a heavy cross.
It will be persecuted and humiliated. SHe will face a painful storm, but it will not sink.

3.788 - March 11, 2013 there will be conflicts, but in the end the boat will arrive to the safe harbor. The victory will be of Jesus

3,789 - March 12, 2013 Dangerous Birds will bring the seed of evil, but in the Lord's vineyard will sprout only the seed of truth. The fire in the Palace is the result of dishonesty.

3.790 - March 16, 2013 [
message three days after the election of Bergoglio NOTE: occurred on "13.03.13", the day of the Antichrist and where the sacrilegious JUBILEE of "God is 'ONLY MERCY" is always installed on Friday 13 -3-2015 - now we will know if God is 'ONLY MERCY passing under the jubilee doors open on the beaches of sinners who do not want to bother him and that leads to a sea of garbage full of shame, or He is also JUSTICE against  blasphemy and arrogance - see: VATICAN Destruction and prophecies of the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich]


3.790 - March 16, 2013 Dear children, Peter will lead his boat in the midst of great storms. Pray. Peter's successor will need your prayers. He will experience the ordeal. He will be loved and hated because of his positions. Here are the times of pain. The poison is in the tree, not the fruit. The Church of My Jesus is walking towards a future of great trials but, as I said, Jesus has everything under control. Peter in Peter's land. What I say you can not understand now, but reassured your hearts, because my Jesus walks with you. The king will suffer because of his subjects. Do not be afraid. I am your Mother and plead with my Jesus for you. The road will be short for the king, as the crossing of the famous square. [note: the saint Peter square is 48 decameters - 48 months?]

3001 - 24/05/2008 [the sign on the hill of apparitions? messages from Medjugorje?]
Dear children, rejoice, because you have a special place in my Immaculate Heart. You are loved one by one from the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit. Do not remain stationary in sin.
Be able to enhance the gifts that the Lord gives you. You have to do it now, do not wait tomorrow. I come from heaven to lead you to my Son Jesus. Don't be back. I need you. Assume your responsibility. Do not turn away from the truth. Be courageous and always do the will of the Lord. Kneel in prayer, and be like Jesus in everything. Consecrate yourselves every day to my Immaculate Heart. When you consecrated to me, meeting you walk to the one who is your Way, Truth and Life. Humanity is faced with serious conflicts and my poor children will have nowhere to go. I want succor. Open your hearts. From the sky will come a warning for Europe. To whom much has been given, much will be requested. The house of God will be closed. Violence will be great and my poor children will carry a heavy cross.

2996 - 13/05/2008
Dear children, accept with joy my appeals. I come from heaven to help you. Do not stray from the path I have pointed out. I'm in a hurry. Don't
I need you. Open your hearts and I will lead you to my Son Jesus. I live in the grace of the Lord. Do not let sin take you away from God. Humanity is sick and needs to be cured. Repent and be reconciled with God. That's the time that I announced to you in the past. Coming for the Church the moment of its great agony. From the mountains will drop the blood of the consecrated faithful. The Church of My Jesus will live the pain of the ordeal. A man dressed in white will be persecuted and led to death. * On the feast of a great martyr, the faithful have something to cry and complain. Pray. Only in prayer you will find strength for your journey. Next. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thanks for allowing me to reunite you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace. [Implementation of the 3rd secret of Fatima * - 24-6- [201] 6 -----> 3 six ----> 2 + 4/6/6 ----> 201 = 3]

[* You can think of is to Medjugorje [or Jerusalem?] On 06/24/16 (6-6-6) St. John the Baptist - the ascent of a man dressed in white (and other consecrated) to the Apparition Hill (or the Cross Mountain or Jerusalem to Golgotha?) as announced in the 3rd secret of Fatima [after the appearance of the sign in the sky] - the distance between the two dates ismore and 6 + 6 + 6 days. One can not exclude that the BIG SIGN on Apparition Hill, is the same as announced in Garabandal BIG WARNING for the WORLD [see note]

On the feast of a great saint will be a big sign in the sky of Europe. Men do not find explanations. Be alert to signs of God. 3.111- 20/1/2009

On a mountain near Jerusalem a frightening event will happen 2695 - 17/06/2006


RETURN to the index


1 - Annoucing of the antichrist action and the 2 FALSE PROPHETS  REVELATION 13,11

Dear children, pray for the new Successor of Peter [elected on the day 19/04/2005 Benedict XVI]. With him, the church will advance, but will be persecuted by enemies. The Holy Father will experience the ordeal, because many of its positions will go to fight the enemies of the Church. 2512 - 19.04.2005

There will come a day when the perverse men occupy a privileged space in the house of the Lord. These will be within the Church that will attract the one who opposes Christ. 2916 - 14/11/2007 [14-11]

Days of Darkness will for the Church. The Holy Father will drink the bitter cup of pain. 3.590 - January 1, 2012

There will come a day when the king will be taken away from his throne. The kingdom will be divided and wherever there will be great spiritual confusion 3138 - 22/03/2009

Facts scary shake the Church. The rebellion of a great religious leader will cause suffering and pain for my children. 3.204 - August 22, 2009

There will come a day when there will be two thrones, but only one will sit the true successor of Peter. This will be the time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth 3098 - 23/12/2008

A great storm will come down on the big boat, but this will continue to be the safe harbor.
Treasures will be lost, but will be found and returned. 3.795 - 24 March 2013

Pray for the church. The king will suffer. It will be the victim of violence, but God has everything under control. 3.798 - 30 March 2013

The smoke of the devil will spread within the Church 3.808 - April 20, 2013
Church and science here is the starting point for the great division Message No. 3.812 - April 30, 2013

What does the Virgin Mary in her messages, on the chip which bears the mark of the beast: You will see horrors on earth. Many men will be seduced by fair and marked by its sign. 2532 - 05.06.2005

The men will be branded and enslaved. 2571 - 06.09.2005

The powerful of this world will create their laws and My poor children will be brought to renounce their faith. 3118 - 06/02/2009

The great suffering of the Church will be from Europe. A movement will rise up and will spread around the world. He will work openly against the Church, and many men and women turn away from God's grace. 3043 - 19/08/2008

a movement will be born and will spread to the world. Will be led by women and will bring great suffering for the Church of My Jesus. 3,130 - 06/03/2009 [Note 2014: FEMEN?]

Men will be more and more slaves of technology and the grace of the Lord will be present in a few hearts.
Accepting false ideologies, men will direct their feelings to machines. 3.811 - April 27, 2013


It will be presented something false *. They will say that it came from the depths, and shake the faith of many men and women. 3067 - 14/10/2008 * literally: "an object of falsehood"

A discovery in the Palace will cause revolt among men. 3072 - 25/10/2008

A great scandal will shake the faith of the men and the Church will lose a lot. 3.284 - 25 February 2010

A bad heart will propose the creation of a 2,504 board - 02.04.2005 [Extraordinary Synod on the Family]

It will rise an opponent and because of him we will disregard the house of God 2,523 - 17.05.2005

A religious leader will rise up against the authority of the Pope and will cause great division in the Church. The darkness of the fall on the Church of My Jesus 3,052 - 11/09/2008 [by the prophecies Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich - 1820 - I saw once again that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan drawn up by the secret sect, while storms the were damaging]

the opponent will find the key in the building that will open the door to act in the world [Note: The Key isecumenism of churches, replacing Christianity atheistic humanism]. With his cunning he will involve men and women of great wisdom. His project will involve men of science and religion. 2953 - 06/02/2008

the key to the entrance of the opponent will be in the building. Its strength will be similar to that of a great weapon of destruction. 2971 - 15/03/2008

the opponent will humiliate the Church and will suffer many of the faithful consecrated to the Holy Doctrine. They will try to destroy a temple in search of treasure and suffering of My poor children will be great. 3032 - 26/07/2008

The smoke of the devil will spread within the Church 3.808 - April 20, 2013

the action of the devil will bring many theologians to deny great dogmas of the Church. Cause divisions in the house of God and the suffering will be great for the men and women of faith. 3049 - 04/09/2008

What the Church will live has never happened in all its history. 2994 - 06/05/2008

A war will rise. The soldiers will have the 3,799 cassock - March 31, 2013

There will come a day when a war between religious leave many men and women far from the truth. 3004 - 31/05/2008

The revolt of many consecrated shake the throne of Peter. The tests will be but the result of falsehoods 3,029 - 19/07/2008

The Church will encounter a big hurdle in the revolt of a famous congregation 3.260 - January 1, 2010

Malta is an order that will shake the Church and the faithful will suffer. 2950 - 01/02/2008

an order will be given by an Order. In his promise there will be lies and the throne of Peter will be shaken 2952 - 05/02/2008

In Europe there will be great persecution. In several countries they will spread demonstrations against the Church. The Holy Father will suffer greatly 3,081 - 13/11/2008

The Church will be shaken and it will produce a great division. 2814 - 22.03.2007

Because of the bad shepherds, many become indifferent to faith. The Church of My Jesus will go through the valley of darkness, and will face the fury of the enemy. The contempt for the sacred will lead the Church at the division. 3028 - 18/07/2008

Now is the time of sorrows. Discord will enter the House of God in a way never seen. 4235 - 12/10/2015


RETURN to the index


1.1 - THE ANTICHRIST APPEARS TO THE WORLD: the beast with 2 horns [ 2 false prophets] 

Will be the Antichrist and the nations will be at war. 2583 - 04.10.2005

It is a false messiah. Will he seduce many consecrated. 2554 - 26.07.2005

God's will and learned men will announce the arrival of the man who will be the cause of despair for many. In many regions of the earth the fire flare up everywhere. 3.210 - September 5, 2009

The Antichrist will act with great fury to destroy the Church of My Jesus. His biggest attack will cause spiritual harm as we have not seen since Adam. 2628 - 14/01/2006

A seemingly good man, that is the Antichrist, will purchase large satanic power. The evil action will occur in celebration of a great saint, that when he was called by God fell from his horse and his life was transformed 2,532 - 05.06.2005 [Pedro Regis believed to 6 - June St. Norbert and not St. Paul ] Note: 6.6.201
7 are

He was born in an important date and his name came from this. There, the most cruel forms of death 2,488 - 26.02.2005 have been prepared

The big bearded men are preparing a great evil act. In different areas and at the same time there will be suffering and pain. An army will explode. 2,548 - 14.07.2005

Coming for the Church the moment of its great agony. From the mountains will drop the blood of the consecrated faithful. The Church of My Jesus will live the pain of the ordeal. A man dressed in white will be persecuted and led to death. * On the feast of a great martyr, the faithful have something to cry and complain. 2996 - 13/05/2008

A great storm will come down on the big boat, but this will continue to the safe harbor. Treasures will be lost, but will be found and returned. 3.795 - 24 March 2013

The opponent will face the Church. It will be a long and painful battle 3092 - 07/12/2008

a nation will challenge the Church and great shall be suffering for a successor of Peter 3040 - 12/08/2008

Italy, you have come out older children. Holy sons! Repent, beloved daughter. The holy temple is flooded with an external rot sinful children that you have created. Few will survive. The fire asleep will suffer much of you. September 25, 2007 - São José dos Pinhais / PR [prophecies in Ferreira]

A frightening event will happen at the Vatican. The Vatican will need to be rebuilt. 2561 - 13.08.2005

when the snake of the East * will depart in the direction of Rome, will arrive for the Church's time of his agony. With his tail befall the great pillars of the 2,936 Church - 29/12/2007 * communism

Because of the bad shepherds, the Church will live moments of great tribulation; It will be weakened because of the great scandals and heresies. 2938 - 01/01/2008

because of the one who needs a miracle, they will be great suffering for the Church. One who opposes Christ [Antichrist] will gain an ally [Bergoglio] and together will cause serious conflicts in the Church of My Jesus. 2942 - 12/01/2008

the Church walks in the direction of the ordeal. Here are the times of great trials for the Church. Inside it there are those who will open the doors to let the murderers, and mockers. 2943 - 15/01/2008

My Jesus was betrayed by one of His chosen and delivered to the enemies. The day will come in which His Church will be betrayed by one of those elected to defend it *. 2944 - 17/01/2008 [* Bergoglio]

the Church will bring the cross of affliction, desolation and humiliation. Because of bad shepherds, they will deny great dogmas of faith and the faithful will become cold and full of doubt. The Church will be plagued by major storms and few will remain firm in the faith. 2.947- 25/01/2008

An archaeological discovery will be made in Rome and will cause great confusion for the Church. 2948 - 26/01/2008

The Church of My Jesus will suffer a great betrayal. 2951 - 02/02/2008

The Lord has everything under control, but for the good of men will allow larger trials to his Church. There will come a day when the Church will be seen a few men merciful and defenders of truth. Will be contaminated by false doctrines applied by bad theologians and many hearts will be hardened and will not accept the truth. 2955 - 11/02/2008

death will be present in the Church. The oppressor [the antichrist and his] will determine the execution of many consecrated persons. The persecution of the Church will be much greater than in the past. 2960 - 23/02/2008 - The king will drink the bitter cup of abandonment 2,962 - 26/02/2008

in a majestic view of the Church he will cry. The faithful will lament and the directions of the Church will change 2.963 - 01/03/2008

You will still have great trials. The Church of My Jesus will be persecuted fiercely. Deny the virtues of great men and women of faith and with the help of the bad shepherds, deny the great truths revealed. 2964-04 / 03 / 2008- will be great suffering for the consecrated, because the one who is opposed to Christ will act against God's elect 2,966 - 08/03/2008


The discord between the two brothers will cause great pain for the Church of My Jesus. 2,969 - 13/03/2008 [Pope Benedict XVI and Bergoglio]

Now you will see great attacks of the devil against the Church of My Jesus. Many shrines dedicated to me will be destroyed. 2972 - 18/03/2008

Attack with great fury of the sacrament of the Eucharist, leading many to lose faith in the real presence of my Jesus. 2973 - 20/03/2008

Clerics of the Holy Church will depart from the truth, and in large numbers embrace false doctrines. 2976 - 25/03/2008

The big boat will be divided in half and for my poor children the hour of great sorrow 2,977 - 29/03/2008. The Church will drink the bitter cup of pain. The fire will burn the palace and the king will leave his home. 2978 - 30/03/2008

There will come a day when a successor of Peter will see the destruction, and many of his friends ask for help. Know the weight of the cross and quickly leave his home 2,981 - 08/04/2008

There will come a day when the religious houses are closed for lack of vocations and many churches will vuote.2.982 - 10/04/2008

the strength of the opponent will spread to the world. Catholic nations will be persecuted and the cross will be heavy for the Church. Even in the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) you will see horrors. The strength of the enemy will cause divisions and scandals. 2983 - 12/04/2008

there will be a great battle against the Church, which apparently will be defeated but will be his triumph and the believers will rejoice 2984 - 15/04/2008

the Church of My Jesus will suffer because of the great persecution. An attack will attract the attention of the world and for men and women of faith will be a time of great sorrow. The enemy's action will cause damage and the Church will divisa.2.985 - 17/04/2008

A great sign of God will be seen in the Church. It will be a chance for my poor children away. 2988 - 22/04/2008 [the Great Warning]

Consecrated persons will be prevented to perform their functions and faithful men have something to cry and complain. Here came the difficult times for you. 2990 - 30/04/2008

The opponent will cause great harm to humanity. Persecute the Church in the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) and will bring many of my poor children to error. Many embrace false doctrines and will turn away from the truth. 2993 - 04/05/2008

there will be a great revolt against the Church of My Jesus. The truth will not be accepted. 2998 - 17/05/2008

There will come a day when a war between religious leave many men and women far from the truth 3004 - 31/05/2008

for the Church of My Jesus will come the moment of his greatest test. An army will start furiously in the direction of Rome. The churches will be burned and many sacred places will be destroyed. 3007 - 07/06/2008

The triumph of the Church you will have with the help of a great man of faith. He will not see (the triumph of the Church), but the seed planted will give great fruit for the Church of My Jesus. 3012 - 19/06/2008

The day will come when men will not find places for contemplation. 3013 - 21/06/2008 [Eucharistic Adoration ban] - A stone will fall on Chiesa.3.015 - 25/06/2008

In many places, the Church will lose the right to proclaim Christ to the world. The Opponent [the Antichrist] prepare a terrible attack against the Church of My Jesus. 3022 - 12/07/2008 - From Jerusalem will be a story that will attract the world's attention. For the Church is a great suffering. 3027 - 17/07/2008

Because of the bad shepherds, many become indifferent to faith. The Church of My Jesus will go through the valley of darkness, and will face the fury of the enemy. The contempt for the sacred will lead the Church at the division. 3028 - 18/07/2008

The Church will bring a heavy cross because of the great betrayal. The doors will be open to the enemies and the pain will be great for the faithful. The throne of Peter will be shaken. 3035 - 02/08/2008

a nation will challenge the Church and great shall be suffering for a successor of Peter. 3040 - 12/08/2008

In the big storm, the boat will suffer big hit, but it will come to Porto victorious Safe 3048 - 02/09/2008

the search for the treasure will be great, but few find. In many regions of the earth there will be no sign of his presence. 3050 - 06/09/2008 [TREASURE = EUCHARIST]

In the great and last persecution of the Church, the enemies will be surprised. Christ will come in defense of his Church. 3073 - 26/10/2008

The Church of My Jesus will be persecuted fiercely. The enemies will team up for the big 3080 attack - 11/11/2008

In Europe there will be great persecution. In several countries they will spread demonstrations against the Church. The Holy Father will suffer much. 3081 - 13/11/2008

The Church of My Jesus will be affected.
A well-dressed man wiil enter the house  of God and deceive many.
3082 - 15/11/2008

A frightening event will happen in the Church. increased pain did not exist. It will be the state of Bahia. 3084 - 18/11/2008

The Church of My Jesus will find a great obstacle in Argentina.3.086 - 24/11/2008

The Church will walk without Peter and many will seek to follow their own ideas. Miss vocations to the priesthood and the Church will be a painful ordeal time. 3096 - 19/12/2008

There will be a great religious persecution. The faithful will be persecuted and death will be present everywhere. At the height of the great persecution, the Lord will show a large signal. Heretics will be converted and will witness the love of God. This will be the time of the final triumph of My Immaculate Heart. 3163 - 19/05/2009


RETURN to the index




a well-dressed man enters the house of God and will occupy a prominent place. He will join the enemies of God and will do great damage to the whole of humanity. These will have the appearance of a good man and fascinate many. 2472 - 19.01.2005

It is a false messiah. Will he seduce many consecrated. 2554 - 26.07.2005

Will rise a man, apparently full of virtues, but in truth it will be an envoy of the devil. He will deceive many with his doctrine, but will meet a great barrier in the strength and loyalty of my devotees and selected. 3.202 - August 18, 2009

There will come a seemingly good and just man, but it will be a traitor and lead humanity to suffering. 3.255 - 19 December 2009

The day will come in which will be built a seemingly good and just man. He will deceive many, that they will realize great prodigies. It will be the south hemisphere and many consider him as a savior 3,276 - February 6, 2010

The day will come when a man will rise, seemingly good, that with his false ideology will succeed in deceiving many, seducing even consecrated. Now is the time of great tribulation for humanity 2700 - 29/06/2006

There will come a day when there will be two thrones, but only one will sit the true successor of Peter. This will be the time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth 3098 - 23/12/2008

A kingdom divided and an empty chair. The existence of two kings will spread confusion in the world [2 popes] 2,497 - 19.03.2005

a secret will be revealed and there will be great confusion in the palace. 2748 - 20/10/2006

A successor of Peter will bring a heavy cross and will see the death of many consecrated 3.409 - December 7, 2010



RETURN to the index


2 -  the JUDAHs open the vatican doors for destruction

The Church will be shaken and it will produce a great division. 2814 - 22.03.2007

The midday sun will be considered more important than the evening. A bird of the building will live in another nest. dangerous bird in the country of kings; land of sins. 2539 - 24.06.2005

2494 - 12.03.2005
Dear children, the wrath of a man by the appearance of a prophet, but not a prophet, he will leave an empty chair. Faithful men will shed tears, but God will not abandon them.

One who will be Peter become Judas [*]. Will open the doors to enemies and will suffer the men and women of faith. 3046 - 29/08/2008 [* a cardinal Pope candidate in the next elections (2013) and then deny the church. Bergoglio, the eighth king of the apocalypse that goes to destruction]

Enemies are inside and waiting for an opportunity to attack. The evil action will cause great destruction. 2933 - 22/12/2007

The Church will bring a heavy cross because of the great betrayal. The doors will be open to the enemies and the pain will be great for the faithful. The throne of Peter will be shaken. 3035 - 02/08/2008

The enemies will open doors and men from big beard will act with great fury. 3.273 - JANUARY 30 2010 A painful event will occur in the house of God with men will weep and lament

the king's friends joined against him, but God will punish them severely for their betrayal and because they will open the doors to let the killers. The city of the seven hills will fall 2,502 - 29.03.2005

Italy will be invaded. The men from the big beard will act with great fury. 2579 - 24.09.2005 - The Vatican will be in decline. 2580 - 27.09.2005

RETURN to the index



3-  the march toward the palace


the 4 TETRADS of BLOOD LUNAR ECLIPS  "LUNA di SANGUE" that preannounces the END of TIMES

In his messages to Pedro Regis, the Virgin Mary to Anguera continues and says:

The enemies will act with great fury. Death will be present in the house of God. The enemies will come from the Via Appia 3.792 - March 18, 2013

the men followers of the false prophet will march with great fury in the direction of the holy temple. There will be great destruction. The Church will weep and complain. On this day you will see a lunar eclipse 2,975 - 23/03/2008 [the only visible in Rome in place of the Tetrad ison 09.28.2015 - the Tetrad is very rare event - MAGI watched the sky to acknowledge the 'Advent of the Messiah is so even for His SECOND COMING by SKY]

The terror of the men reach the Vatican. The square will be full of dead bodies. Humanity will see the evil action of men from the big beard. The Colosseum will collapse. 2553 - 24.07.2005 - St. Peter's land will be 2,574 rubble - 12.09.2005



15 april 2014

8 ottober 2014

4 april 2015

28 settember 2015

ISIS appears in AGUST 2014

BISHOP SINODE: START of internal Schism

3rd blood moon

start of 666 antichrist days


friday 20 march 2015 - SUN ECLIPS

a great multitude, and we will march in their hearts there is great desire for revenge. Bring suffering and pain to faithful men. Profane the sanctuary, and the pain will be great for the Church of My Jesus. 2979 - 01/04/2008

One who opposes Christ will march with his army, and come to the big city. The throne of Peter will tremble. When the Lord will lose its place of honor, will be the great chastisement 2,937 - 01/01/2008 [cataclysms dictated by the arrival of the second sun also see the dates]

a great multitude, and will march with great fury will cause great destruction. Destroy the city of seven hills will occupy the throne of Peter. It will come to the anguish of Calvary 3018 - 01/07/2008

There will come a day when the flag of death will be over 3,140 building - 28/03/2009

Doors will
be opened and enemies will act against the children of God. Pray. That's the time I announced to you in the past. 4208 - 17/10/2015

RETURN to the index



4-   invasion and war into the palace

a great city to rubble and there will be no king on his throne 2468 - 11.01.2005

Difficult days come close to it ... the ordeal for many ... will be long and painful. Martyrdom in it will start in a frightening way ... April 20, 2008 [prophecies in Ferreira]

The palace will be surprised by the invasion and bloody furious men from the big beard. 2529 - 31.05.2005

The palace will be surrounded by enemies, who will act with great fury. Fire, destruction and death. The pain will be great. 2772 - 12/12/2006

The enemies will open doors and men from big beard will act with great fury 3.273 - January 30, 2010

A son will fall within the house of God, and those who love him will help him 3,796 - March 26, 2013 [Note: a consecrated life leave]

The terror of the men reach the Vatican. The square will be full of dead bodies. Humanity will see the evil action of men from the big beard. The Colosseum will collapse. 2553 - 24.07.2005

The men from the big beard will act against the Christians. The walls of the building will be stained with blood 2968 - 11/03/2008

The enemies of the Church will act with great fury. Burn a 2,995 Sanctuary - 10/05/2008

Men act of terror against the Church. They will try to destroy a temple. Italy will be shaken by this painful event 3.319 - May 15, 2010

A sorrowful event will happen in Rome. The Church of My Jesus will cry and complain. 3.332 - 15 June 2010

In a temple there will be a big explosion. The men of terror will act with great fury 2597 - 01.11.2005

The throne of Peter will fall. Death will come to the clergy, who will suffer physical pain. 2622 - 31.12.2005

the Church of My Jesus will suffer because of the terrible persecution. Many priests will be brought to the ordeal and death will be present in the Church, but the devil will not win the Church. The victory will of the Lord. 2830 - 28.04.2007

the king's house will be invaded, and there will be great confusion in his palace. Pray. Darkness will face the light, but the Lord will shine with his light and the faithful will know victory. 2813 - 20.03.2007

St. Peter's land will be 2,574 rubble - 12.09.2005

The stones will fall and the seat will be forced to change seats. The temple will be torn into two parts. One in favor of the East and one in favor of the West. Even Rome will be rewarded [*] for the desecration of the house of the Lord. 23/01/2008 [prophecies Ferreira] [*] it refers to the fact that will be 'completely destroyed in World War II third.

a great multitude, and will march with great fury will cause great destruction. Destroy the city of seven hills and occupy the throne of Peter 3018 - 01/07/2008

The throne of Peter will be shaken. A successor of Peter * will see the destruction of his home 3,180 - 29/06/2009 [* Bergoglio, the NON PAPA]

Will rise the great relic and there will be a war between religious 2,997 - 13/05/2008 There will be great invasion and in the palace you will see great destruction - Matthew 24.15

Because of the black relic of men from the big beard, there will be great pain for my poor children. 2945 - 19/01/2008

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5 -  the throne is vacant - the loss of faith and the schism - the real pope is forced to leave Rome

There will come a day when a king will leave his home and will settle in another country 2,502 - 29.03.2005

The bird of the king will no longer fly. The king no longer exists, and so many of his subjects 2.486 - 22.02.2005

The king [Benedict XVI] will leave his home quickly, but will have to go through the blood flowing in his 2,501 palace - 26.03.2005

The fire will burn the palace and the king will leave his home. The Church will drink the bitter cup of pain. Pray for my priests children. 2978 - 30/03/2008

The Church will be shaken and it will produce a great division. 2814 - 22.03.2007

when the throne will fall and the permanence of the king is no longer possible, there will be great disregard for the dogmas and a few will remain steadfast in the faith 2940 - 08/01/2008

The Church will be in decline. They will come for her moments of agony and no human power could help her, but victory will be by divine intervention. 2980 - 05/04/2008

There will come a day when a successor of Peter * will see the destruction, and many of his friends ask for help. Know the weight of the cross and quickly leave his house. 2981 - 08/04/2008 [* Bergoglio, the NON PAPA]

once again I tell you that the headquarters of the Church will change place ... April 14, 2008 [prophecies in Ferreira]

For a specified period, the Church will walk without Peter, but my Jesus will be faithful to his promise. 2989 - 26.4.2008 will arrive the day in which the opponent will spread her errors across the earth, and there will be great disregard for morals

when the king will be taken away from his throne will begin the great battle, and the light will lose its shine. 2467 - 08.01.2005 [LIGHT isChrist and speaks of the Eucharist will be prohibited]

The Church will encounter a big hurdle in the revolt of a famous congregation 3.260 - January 1, 2010

Many who are fervent in their faith will become indifferent. Decisions will be taken and there will be a great revolt. 3.800 - April 2, 2013

Disobedience will cause confusion. The elect will abandon the altars, and will go on the streets. 3.801 - April 6, 2013

Many will pull back and the king will feel lonely. 2828 - 23.04.2007

Clerics of the Holy Church will depart from the truth, and in large numbers embrace false doctrines. There will be great spiritual confusion in the house of God. The lack of order will cause divisions and the few faithful pastors who remain will not be respected. 2976 - 25/03/2008

The moments in which you live are of great tribulation. Do not turn away from the Lord. The big boat will be divided in half and for my poor children the hour of great sorrow. 2977 - 29/03/2008

The spiritual confusion will be great, but those who remain faithful will prevail. 2829 - 24.04.2007

a large tree will be cut and from there will come the great battle 2905 - 20/10/2007

the opponent [the Antichrist] will convene the leaders of false religions and many false shepherds. Together, they will do anything to destroy the Sacred 2959 - 21/02/2008

A plague will open in the heart of the Church due to the great schism. The action of the devil will bring many consecrated people to move away from the truth. 3014 - 24/06/2008

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6 - the antichrist on the place of the REAL POPE  666 antichrist days start from the 28-9-2015  - APOSTACY and the GREAT TRIBULATION

When the king will be taken away from his throne, he will begin the great battle 2892 - 20/09/2007

the terrible oppressor's attack will leave a great multitude oppressed 2,469 - 12.01.2005

Malta is an order that will shake the Church and the faithful will suffer. 2950 - 01/02/2008 [Note: it will be the MALTA ORDER that will prohibit the celebration of the Eucharist?]

an order will be given by an Order. In his promise there will be lies and the throne of Peter will be shaken 2952 - 05/02/2008 [Note: it will be the MALTA ORDER that will prohibit the celebration of the Eucharist?]

when the kingdom will be divided, a king [*] will join the science and deny God and his works. Many people of faith will become indifferent and there will be great suffering for the Church. 3016 - 28/06/2008 [*] the false religious prophet who works closely with the anti-Christ

Humanity will be surprised by the presentation of a man in good appearance: he will seduce many with his deceptions, because his actions are from evil. Many see him as a savior, and will be able to gather around him a large number of people. 2822 - 10.04.2007

one who will be welcomed as the enlightened will, indeed, the terror of the nations. His plan will be just one, but what he would achieve will bring serious consequences for my poor children. 2826 - 20.04.2007

There will come a day when the throne of Peter will be sitting the one that will forever change the orientations of the 3093 Church - 09/12/2008

In many places the temples are destroyed and Christians will weep and lament 3126 - 24/02/2009

It will explode War of Rome and will be few survivors. One who opposes Christ will bring suffering and pain to all of Europe. Peter's Throne will be empty 2939 - 05/01/2008

Russia will be a stone for many nations and Rome will be destroyed by fire 3.207 - August 29, 2009 [it is likely that this message is related to the third world war that will be later and complete destruction of ROma by the Russians and Chinese as predictions Madonna]


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7 -  Catholic church persecution

The action of the devil will bring many to lose the true faith. You will yet see horrors on earth. The Church will be persecuted. Peter's Throne will fall, but in the end the right will win. 2759 - 14/11/2006

A terrible plan will be implemented with the aim to destroy the Church of My Jesus. Many will pull back and the king will feel lonely. 2828 - 23.04.2007

It is approaching for the Church's time of great agony. I ask you to be faithful to Jesus. 2829 - 24.04.2007

the Church of My Jesus will suffer because of the terrible persecution 2830 - 28.04.2007

many blind sheep will walk for lack of pastors that lead to safer roads. Many fervent in faith will drink the bitter cup of suffering in great and painful persecution of the Church. In the great persecution, many will pull back and abandon the faith. To the righteous who remain firm to the end, the Lord prepares the great reward 3,031 - 23/07/2008

The great persecution strike, especially, the men and women of faith. The faithful priests will be whipped and taken to prisons. In the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) will be created laws to go astray from God. 3033 - 27/07/2008

The days will come when men entirely despise the Word of God. The Church will remain faithful few, and these will bring a heavy cross. The Church of My Jesus will be persecuted and, in many countries, the faithful will be allowed to proclaim Jesus 3053 - 13/09/2008

There will come a day when there was hardly faithful shepherds. 3056 - 20/09/2008

from the East you will be suffering and pain for the Church. The smoke of Satan will cause spiritual blindness in many consecrated and Eastern snake will purchase 3,063 strong - 07/10/2008 [Note: Serpent of the East = communism]

The big boat will face the worst of all storms. Lose its course and will come up against a major obstacle. 3070 - 22/10/2008

It will be days when many who are part of the Hierarchy to bow before the false ideologies and embrace false doctrines. 2949 - 29/01/2008

The Church of My Jesus will come under heavy cross. In Europe there will be great persecution. In several countries they will spread demonstrations against the Church. The Holy Father will suffer much. 3081 - 13/11/2008

Malta is an order that will shake the Church and the faithful will suffer. 2950 - 01/02/2008

shall arise a new order and its main objective will be to persecute the Church of My Jesus. Apparently it will be a beneficial movement and attract many men and women of faith. Able to involve many consecrated and suffering will be great for my poor children. 3005 - 03/06/2008

The opponent [the Antichrist] will prevent that Christians unite to pray in public places, and many will be martyred, others will deny the 2,967 faith - 10/03/2008

There will be great contempt for the sacred and the ministers of God will be contaminated by the moral corruption in increasing numbers. The banquet will be despised and many will be hungry. Spread his hands and in a few places will find those who will give them the precious food. When will this time, know that will be approaching the Great Day. 2823 - 12.04.2007

the strength of the opponent [the Antichrist] will spread to the world. Catholic nations will be persecuted 2,983 - 12/04/2008

The action of the devil lead many consecrated to abandon the truth. Many of my poor children lose the faith. 2825 - 17.04.2007

The Church will be persecuted, and in many places the temples will be destroyed. They will be attacked famous sanctuaries and death will be present in the Church 2986 - 19/04/2008

The enemies of God will unite and in various parts destroy temples and kill faithful 3.472 - 22 April 2011

The opponent will cause great harm to humanity. Persecute the Church in the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) and will bring many of my poor children to error. Many embrace false doctrines and will turn away from the truth. 2993 - 04/05/2008

The day will come when men will be full of anger against the ministers of God. Many will be taken to jail and others deny the faith. 2835 - 08/05/2007

men and women of faith will bring a heavy cross, for they will be persecuted and many will be martyred. 2837 - 15/05/2007

The day will come when men will be obliged to deny the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The faithful will be threatened and brought to trial 3,000 - 22/05/2008

The men refuse what is of God and embrace false doctrines and false ideologies. 3.327 - June 3, 2010

The tabernacles will be retired and only secretly men can worship the Lord. For the Church is the great persecution. Like the early Christians, you will be persecuted and brought to trial. 3008 - 08/06/2008

Consecrated persons will lose the right to use the religious habit, and there will be great confusion in the Church
3.009 - 10/06/2008

the strength of the opponent [the Antichrist] will spread to the world. Catholic nations will be persecuted 2,983 - 12/04/2008

The action of the devil lead many consecrated to abandon the truth. Many of my poor children lose the faith. 2825 - 17.04.2007

The Church will be persecuted, and in many places the temples will be destroyed. They will be attacked famous sanctuaries and death will be present in the Church 2986 - 19/04/2008

The enemies of God will unite and in various parts destroy temples and kill faithful 3.472 - 22 April 2011

The opponent will cause great harm to humanity. Persecute the Church in the Land of the Holy Cross (Brazil) and will bring many of my poor children to error. Many embrace false doctrines and will turn away from the truth. 2993 - 04/05/2008

The day will come when men will be full of anger against the ministers of God. Many will be taken to jail and others deny the faith. 2835 - 08/05/2007

men and women of faith will bring a heavy cross, for they will be persecuted and many will be martyred. 2837 - 15/05/2007

The day will come when men will be obliged to deny the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The faithful will be threatened and brought to trial 3,000 - 22/05/2008

The men refuse what is of God and embrace false doctrines and false ideologies. 3.327 - June 3, 2010

The tabernacles will be retired and only secretly men can worship the Lord. For the Church is the great persecution. Like the early Christians, you will be persecuted and brought to trial. 3008 - 08/06/2008

Consecrated persons will lose the right to use the religious habit, and there will be great confusion in the Church 3009 - 10/06/2008

Do not forget: the truth is kept intact only in the Catholic Church. 3017 - 29/06/2008 A great apostasy will bring many of My poor children away from God

Many consecrated persons will be persecuted and killed, they will create laws and the Church encounter barriers to announce 3,338 truth - June 30, 2010

Nothing will protect you except the power that comes from the Eucharist because it is the same Jesus who is in it, with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. That's the truth. 3.184 - July 10, 2009

Many men and women of faith will be persecuted in the Land of the Holy Cross. It will be prevented to announce the truth; the temples will be closed, and many will be killed consecrated 3.183 - July 7, 2009

three nations will join you and persecute the Church. In these nations, the consecrated will be prevented from performing his duties, but the mighty hand of God will act in favor of his Church. 3038 - 09/08/2008

Many consecrated persons will be contaminated. Deny the dogmas and will turn away from the truth. Will rise a man, apparently full of virtues, but in truth it will be an envoy of the devil. He will deceive many with his doctrine, but will meet a great barrier in the strength and loyalty of my devotees and selected. 3.202 - August 18, 2009

The persecution will be great. In many places, the blood of the faithful will roll on the streets. 3057 - 23/09/2008

My consecrated children will learn all sorts of physical pain. Like the early Christians, the Church will know the cross of persecution and martyrdom. The good will be persecuted and left in prison. 3058 - 26/09/2008 -The Church of My Jesus will be full of sores and the faithful will know the ordeal. My poor children will know great pain. 3059 - 27/09/2008

The days will come when many consecrated deny the faith. Flee for fear of martyrdom. Few will remain firm in the faith, but through a small flock Jesus will lead his Church to victory. 3076 - 01/11/2008

There will come a day when the faithful will seek merciful men and God-fearing, but not find them. There will be great persecution to holy places and those who try to live my appeals will bring a heavy cross. 2926 - 06/12/2007

Many religious orders will be fiercely persecuted and the faithful will not be able to meet in churches. 2932 - 20/12/2007

There will come a day when few will defend the truth and apostasy will be present everywhere. The bad shepherds will fall and not rise up. From the few pastors who remain, it will be for the Church a new time. The few faithful, with the grace of my Jesus, will contribute to the great triumph of God. I ask you not to step back. 3090 - 04/12/2008

Many temples will be invaded and destroyed. There will be great persecution in God's house. They will destroy the shrines and kill many consecrated 3097 - 20/12/2008

Your nation will experience a heavy cross. Difficult days will come, but I want to tell you that Brazil will not experience defeat. I love Brazil and I will not let my poor children without support. 3.226 - October 12, 2009

For the false church, which has entered the Church of My Jesus, come defeat. 3.315 - May 4, 2010

The future will be marked by further divisions and scandals in the Church of My Jesus. The righteous will be persecuted and put to one side, but the Lord will come to the rescue of her. 3.814 - May 4, 2013

tribulation and death will mark the future of the Church., When everything seems lost he will rise a man of faith. His charisma and his holiness will attract the distant 3.815 - May 7, 2013

the day will come when many will seek the banquet, but the table will be empty *. There will be great persecution of the Church of My Jesus and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. 4.019 - August 11, 2014 [* Eucharist - also see crop circles]

I see a great devastation in the garden. The flowers have withered and large thorns pierce some petals. 2824 - 14.04.2007 [garden = Church; flowers: parishes; Petals: priests]

the tree will be cut and the garden will lose its beauty 2,885 - 05/09/2007

In the culmination of the great persecution, the Lord will send the aid to his Church. The forces of evil will not achieve victory. God will be faithful to his promises, and give to his Church the great triumph over the forces of evil. 3034 - 29/07/2008

The great tribulation of the Church, and more will be on Friday, but soon will be the victory of the Lord. 3089 - 02/12/2008


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For many years, men will be far from the truth, but a miracle of the Lord awaken in their hearts the desire to serve the Lord alone. God permits: all men will see their mistakes and repented, they will return to serve the one true Lord. Three days after the great miracle will happen (will happen) the definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart and peace reign forever. 3101 - 30/12/2008 [note: 3 DAYS AFTER BIG WARNING WORLD]

When the Missal will be torn, the judgment will be near 2,774 - 19/12/2006

The large cross will be seen in all the earth. The Lord will show the men his great sign. 2857 - 30/06/2007 It will be a great opportunity for the conversion of humanity.

The large cross will light up the sky and all eyes will see 2,907 - 24/10/2007 It will be a great opportunity for everyone to repent and return to the God of salvation and peace.

There will come a day when the Lord will call, and the righteous shall hear his voice. There will be one flock that will serve the one Lord. Idolatry will fall. Those who belong to the devil will be separated from those who belong to the Lord. The true children of God will be in a safe place. The angels of the Lord will be sent to take care of my elect. 3.211 - September 8, 2009

He will show a great sign to men. When you feel the earth shake, you know that God is talking to you. 2479 - 05.02.2005

the angel of the Lord will sound the trumpet and the entire earth will be shaken. It will be the beginning of a new time; long hoped for by the righteous. Humanity will know a long time of peace. The righteous shall see the fulfillment of the promises of the Lord. The victory of the Lord will be your victory. 2876 - 14/08/2007

My Jesus will do a great miracle, and every eye will see Him. Will this miracle the conversion reason atheists and those who have embraced false doctrines. It will happen on Sunday, the feast of a great martyr. 3.205 - August 25, 2009

The men will be mighty surprised by the action of God. God will show and people will see at midday. Many will rejoice to see the fulfillment of the promises of the Lord. The angels will guide the men and these shall walk in the direction of the One who has the words of eternal life 2,833 - 05/05/2007

The angels of the Lord will come and woe to those who have corrupted the earth.
Three great * expel those who do evil and defy the Creator 2.896 - 29/09/2007 (* 3 archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael)

 8-8-2008 crop circle                                                                                        14 -8-2008 crop circle

22 Holy Body e 22 flames devided as the goods and bads


the elects elevation

be ready




 Great warning






[Note Garabandal]: are several signs promised, including in the message of January 1965 to Conchita in Garabandal we speak, the GREAT WARNING that God will give to cleanse the world [Ap 11.11 - a breath of life from heaven], the GREAT MIRACLE and GREAT PUNISHMENT. The warning will be visible in the sky (the BIG CROSS) and then heard by all INWARDLY on Earth. Jesus himself will appear 'to everyone. No one can avoid it, and in 1965 says: "In a not very distant future, when the world will be in a great general agitation, suddenly, everything will stop ', everyone will see the evil they have done and the good who have neglected to do. it will be extremely painful, people will prefer to die rather than suffer it. it will not cause physical damage. If someone dies, will only be because of the shock to see him. the warning will serve as purification to correct the conscience of the world..


You know it will happen a great miracle of God in favor of my devotees. In the great tribulation, My chosen ones will not experience suffering. Will be the elect of God and inherit the new world. There will be pain 3.277 - February 9, 2010

Three days after the great miracle will happen the final Triumph of My Immaculate Heart and peace reign forever. 3101 - 30/12/2008 [note: 3 DAYS AFTER
the GREAT WORLD WARNING there will be the ELEVATION of the ELECT (1st phase of the saved) - who will be' 'high' will be 'advised of GREAT DIVINE GRACE during WARNING directly from Jesus - on the day of the TRIUMPH oF THE IMMACULATE HEART oF MARY  in different places it will be left DIVINE SIGNS, NOT touchable, INDESTRUCTIBLE for the conversion of those who remain]

In the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, those who accept my messages will be protected and will experience great joy 3.220 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2009


The Great Miracle will take place at the grove of pines in Garabandal 9, the day of Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 20.30 pm. This day will be the day of a Martyr of the Eucharist (San Ermenegildo) who follow 'the church's great ecclesiastical event: the EASTER 2017. The same will happen' to the Apparition Hill in Medjugorje. Will take place 'again RAPTURE of ELECTED; all the visionaries of the Marian apparitions places will be high, but also others who followed a path VERO final conversion and that have not been "high" on the 28th of December. BUT MUST BE 'IN THESE PLACES OF APPARITIONS. In all other places of Marian apparitions will take place 'the same miracle on the same day, and will be' left the same TYPE of sign. A sign untouchable and indestructible: A DIVINE SIGN for the conversion of humanity '. Who will see 'the sign of FINAL CONVERSION will pass' through the GREAT PUNISHMENT, for the Purification before the RESURRECTION of the dead in Christ and the living TRANSFORMATION.

Some of the secrets of Medjugorje are the same Garabandal: the GREAT MIRACLE, the GREAT PUNISHMENT. It 's not clear whether the BIG WARNING is in the 10 secrets.

The remaining secrets will not be disclosed because the ELECTED there will be no more '. The Virgin will no longer appear. It 'a popular belief mistake that all secrets will be revealed. The rest of the secret concerns the plagues of the Apocalypse revealed also in crop circles and other prophecies see about it calendar 2017

The prophets of the past will return, and will announce the day of the great view. God will give you the opportunity to repent. 3.252 - 12 December 2009

Dear children, the day will come when the Lord will pour out a great grace for humanity. All men will be touched and they will see their mistakes and sins. For a moment, men will see all the evil done and have an awareness of God's call to a radical change of life. Everybody can choose the path to follow. Still not the end. Humanity will be better with men and women more filled with spirituality, but still will not be perfect. 2765 - 27/11/2006

Heretics will be defeated and, repent, return to the Church.
A great sign of God will be seen in the Church. It will be a chance for my poor children away. 2988 - 22/04/2008


Will be days of joy for God's chosen people. God will send a great sign to distant men. It will be the opportunity for all people, to decide for God, 3443 - 22/02/2011

When you get the big sign, all eyes will see it. Men will have a chance to repent. It will be a great miracle and many will convert 3.187 - July 14, 2009

After all the spiritual tribulation, the Lord will allow a great miracle. All eyes will see * and will be the great opportunity that the Lord gives to men. This will be the time when there will be one flock, one Shepherd. 3119 - 07/02/2009 [* the Great Warning]

The day will come when men will get a great grace. A great miracle of God will transform hardened hearts. Each will see his mistakes and receive the grace of repentance. It will be the great opportunity that the Lord will give his children away. Know that you will never be abandoned 3.250 - December 8, 2009

He will manifest His goodness towards you. He allows it and you will see your whole life. All will be shown as in a mirror. God will give you the possibility of repentance. He wants to save you. Courage. An extraordinary phenomenon will occur in the sky of this earth. Will be a warning of God. 2852 - 19/06/2007 [before the Warning]

humanity will be surprised when the Lord will allow men to contemplate the greatness of his covenant. What is hidden will be visible *. Great mysteries will be revealed and humanity will be aware that peace and love are needed to faithfully live the Word of God 2858 - 02/07/2007 [* Warning will be shown during the NEW GARDEN EDEN]

The Lord permits, and men will see the hidden wonder of the universe here is the name of the one who lives and reigns forever. 2877 - 17/08/2007

With you there are the angels of the Lord. Courage. Do not be afraid. In the most difficult moments for you, call your guardian angel. He is on your side and its mission is to take care of you. Kneel in prayer. 2897 - 02/10/2007

The earth will be transformed and, by means of a man full of virtue, humanity will find the way of peace. The Lord shall reign and you will see the final triumph of My Immaculate Heart. 2898 - 04/10/2007

God will send his angels and men of faith will have their reward 2906 - 23/10/2007

The big sign will be seen by all. The large cross will light up the sky * and all eyes shall see. It will be a great opportunity for everyone to repent and return to the God of salvation and peace. Kneel in prayer and you will see the mighty hand of God act 2907 - 24/10/2007 [* before the Warning The large cross will light up the sky]

From the sky will come a great opportunity, for man to be reconciled with his God. What is invisible to human eyes will be visible. At that time, everyone will be touched and peace reign forever. 2909 - 30/10/2007

It will be the time when the sacred will be thrown out and the faithful will be persecuted. Few will remain firm in the faith, but by means of these few, God will raise great hope for his people. After all the tribulation, the Church will try great joy. 2916 - 14/11/2007

Humanity is far from God, but a great miracle of God will attract many people away. To the righteous, the Lord has reserved what human eyes have never seen. contaminated nations from Communism will open the doors to the Lord. 3.227 - October 13, 2009

The Church will be persecuted. The men will compete and great suffering for the faithful. 3.228 - October 17, 2009

The day will come when all the distant men will receive the grace of repentance. The Lord will grant his children the opportunity of return. It will be a great miracle. 3.242 - 18 November 2009

After all the tribulation, God will raise a great man of faith. Through him, the Church will be restored and will arrive for the faithful a new time of grace. 3019 - 05/07/2008

My Lord will do great things for the benefit of his church. A decision will lead the Church of My Jesus to victory. By means of a man and of his virtues, a heathen nation will be converted and will honor God very much. 3025 - 15/07/2008

For the merciful grace of the Lord, a man will contribute to the return of My poor children away and the truth will reign in God's house. 3093 - 09/12/2008

For the false church, which has entered the Church of My Jesus, come defeat. God will separate the tares from the wheat. The day will come when everything that is false will fail. God will separate you from evil and those who hear the true teachings of the Church will experience a big win. 3.315 - May 4, 2010

The cross will be heavy and many consecrated persons will be conducted to death, but for the grace of My Jesus will be a man of faith that will bring the Church to the great final victory. 3.500 - 24 June 2011


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9 - the GREAT TRIBULATION and the 7 Apocalypse plagues


When the Missal will be torn, the judgment will be near 2,774 - 19/12/2006

when will the great tribulation, the angels of the Lord will be sent to help those who remain faithful. The day will come when men will be full of anger against the ministers of God. Many will be taken to jail and others deny the faith. 2835 - 08/05/2007

the Church of My Jesus will be persecuted fiercely. That's the time I announced to you in the past. Pray. The ministers of God will turn away from the truth and will cause serious conflicts. 2841 - 22/05/2007

When all seems lost, the Lord will come to you with great victory. Pray for the Church of My Jesus. It will be persecuted and ministers there can not enter. Many will be martyred and others flee. 2855 - 26/06/2007

There will be great contempt for the sacred and the ministers of God will be contaminated by the moral corruption in increasing numbers. The banquet will be despised and many will be hungry. Spread his hands and in a few places will find those who will give them the precious food. When will this time, know that will be approaching the big day * [* resurrection]. 2823 - 12.04.2007

If men are not converted, they will soon fall upon mankind a terrible punishment. They shall flow rivers of fire on the ground. The waters will be contaminated and in many regions of the earth My poor children will carry a heavy cross. 3.244 - 22 November 2009

In the great tribulation, those who consecrate themselves to me will be protected. My Heart will be for you a safe haven. Will the ark of your covenant with God, and He will save you 3.245 - November 24, 2009

You live in a much worse time than that of the flood. When will be the punishment for the purification of mankind, few will remain firm. Fire will fall from the sky and men will live moments of great suffering. The fire will burn the light and the earth tremble. 3.185 - July 11, 2009

The Lord will send. Men will see and will last three days. 2836 - 12/05/2007 - A great chastisement will fall upon humanity and only the men and women of faith will survive. 3.194 - July 30, 2009

On the day of the great tribulation, my devotees will be supported and protected. The pain will be great for mankind. Many will want death, but will have to go through the tribulation. 3.225 - October 10, 2009

The calvary of humanity will begin on a Friday, but then it will be the victory of God and you will be led to the great day of victory of 3.279 - 13 February 2010

Light does not come on and the empty house. That's the mystery. 2910 - 01/11/2007 [3 days of darkness - all things unnecessary vanish in a flash - will remain on only the blessed candles - no energy will be available on the planet]

In the great and final tribulation, my devotees will be protected and no harm will reach them. Rejoice, because your names are already written in Heaven. Forward without fear. I will always be near you. 3.896 - November 3, 2013


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10 -  Jesus Christ and the TRIUMPH on the EVIL forces

he day will come when there will no longer be tribulations for the life of the righteous. The Lord will act with his strong arm in your favor. He will wipe away your tears and, past all the tribulations, you will see the transformation of the earth. 2867 - 24/07/2007

Know that the Lord will transform the earth and men will live happily. There will be no more suffering, and all will live according to the will of the Lord. After all the tribulation, you contemplate a new land. 2869 - 28/07/2007

the angel of the Lord will sound the trumpet and the entire earth will be shaken. It will be the beginning of a new time; long hoped for by the righteous. Humanity will know a long time of peace. The righteous shall see the fulfillment of the promises of the Lord. The victory of the Lord will be your victory. 2876 - 14/08/2007

The angels of Sodom will be on the earth, and woe to those who live in immorality and in disobedience to the Lord. 2872 - 04/08/2007 [within 3 days of complete darkness will be on earth - prophecy confirmed by Brother David Lopez]

After the great tribulation, the earth will be transformed and everything will be different. Things that now contemplated will cease to exist. Everything will be new. Transformed, righteous men and women will inhabit the earth. All this comes after the great sign *, which will be the last chance for the conversion of humanity. 3149 - 18/04/2009 [* the cross in the sky and the big warning]

There will come a day when mankind will experience a great transformation. The horrors that frighten you today will no longer exist. 3116 - 31/01/2009

The day will come when you will see peace reign on earth. God will allow great tribulations for humanity. Humanity will be purified with the pain. After experiencing a heavy cross, the righteous will inherit a new earth. 3176 - 20/06/2009

The day will come when you will see the great wonders of the Lord, and He will call by name all the elect. The land will be rich and nothing will to men. The faithful will live happily and no harm will reach the children of God. 3158 - 09/05/2009

Days of joy will come to the Lord's elect. In the final triumph, my chosen will experience a joy without end. 3.217 - September 22, 2009

My devotees will experience great joy, because the Lord will call them by name and will be proclaimed blessed by My Son Jesus. 3.218 - September 24, 2009

My faithful will not experience physical pain. God's angels protect you in the great final battle 3.222 - October 3, 2009

When the big day arrives, humanity will be liberated and My poor children will be free. The devil will be chained and humanity will again have peace. It will be a glorious time for the righteous, and all will live to serve only my Son, Jesus. 3.248 - December 3, 2009

Those who have made known my messages will not experience eternal death 3.278 - 11 February 2010

The path to holiness is full of obstacles, but those that remain faithful to the end will be beatified. 3.902 - 19 November 2013

All I have announced to you in the past will take place, but do not lose hope. The victory will be there. 3.832 - 11 June 2013

When all seems lost, there will be the victory of God and you will see new heavens and new earth.
4,018 - August 9, 2014


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Corinthians, chap. 15, 51 - the first resurrection - Revelation 20.5

After all the tribulation, there will be a great transformation on earth. All that now covered will be different. The elect of the Lord will rejoice for what they behold. You will see new heavens and new earth. 3.340 - July 3, 2010

the Church will experience, after all the trouble, the joy of the prophets who announced and saw the Savior. 3099 - 25/12/2008

The Church will again be as Jesus entrusted to Peter 2,965 -

The shrine will be the light that will illuminate and make the victorious Church 3024 - 14/07/2008

Revelation - Chapter 20 - [4] And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. I saw the souls of them were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and the word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years;


After all the tribulation the Lord will allow his Church, will be a great victory. The Lord will wipe away the tears of his faithful who cross the painful path of tribulation.

Among the passion and resurrection, the prophets will come and announce to the world the great signal. 3091 - 06/12/2008

After all the tribulation, there will be no more suffering on earth. God will transform all the righteous and contemplate what human eyes have never seen. 3143 - 04/04/2009

After all the tribulation, the Lord will transform the earth and the teachings of My Jesus will be welcomed by men. Everyone will understand the message of salvation offered by my Jesus and all will join *. For the Mercy of the Lord's humanity can achieve peace. There will be no wars and everyone will embrace the love. 2729 - 05/09/2006

Know that the Lord has reserved for her what human eyes have never seen and that no man has tried in this life. I speak because I have the permission of the Lord. They did not come from heaven to obligate you. Humanity will be transformed and men will live happily. Everything will be different. Your joy will be great. God will send his angels to guide you and you will always be walking in the direction of the Almighty. There will be no death, no pain. Humanity will be at peace. Jesus will reign and everyone will be happy. 2812 - 17.03.2007

Human eyes will behold what man has never seen. The Earth will be a new heaven and God will reign in the heart of his people. 2817 - 27.03.2007

The day will come when men will serve only the Lord. On that day there shall be one flock, one Shepherd. No one will be lost, because only the Lord will reign. The men will behold the wonders of God and not stumble anymore, because God himself will lead them. Humanity will be in perfect union with the Creator. Peace will reign among nations. There will be no more wars and the weapon of men will trust in their God. Rejoice, because your names are already written in Heaven. 2816 - 25.03.2007

The day will come when there will be no suffering on earth. The Lord will transform the earth and My poor children will experience a joy without end. Wars shall cease and peace will reign forever in the hearts of my children poor. 3.230 - October 21, 2009

Look forward to days of joy. The Lord has reserved for His elect what human eyes have never seen. The help will come from heaven. A great sign of God will draw men and women away. 3.239 - 12 November 2009

In the great tribulation, the Lord will send his angels, and you'll be protected. There will be no defeat for the faithful. The earth transformed belong to the chosen people of God. The Lord will fulfill his promises and you will see the wonders of God in your lives. 3.240 - 14 November 2009

After all the tribulation, the Lord will transform the earth and mankind will return peace. 3.320 - May 16, 2010

After all the tribulation the Lord will transform the earth. The men and women of faith will live fully happy. There will be suffering and pain. Everyone will see new heavens and new earth. 3.660 - May 29, 2012

After all the tribulation the righteous will live happily. The Angels of the Lord will walk alongside the faithful and the victory of God's people will be great. After darkness comes the light 3,679 - July 10, 2012

when you get the big day, when the Lord will give men a chance to return to his love, the angel of the Lord will touch the skies and this will change color. The mountains will drop and people will contemplate an endless beauty. The Lord will be present in the hearts of those who will open to his call. It will be the day of the great sign. The earth will be at peace. 2861 - 10/07/2007

After all the tribulation, a fire will spread in the sky and the heavens will be shaken. Two just announce and each will receive his reward 2,914 - 10/11/2007

After all the entire tribulation, the Lord will act with his strong arm. The Earth will be totally transformed and the righteous will experience an immense joy. There will be no more pain. Death does not exist, and the Lord will reign in all hearts. 2810 - 13.03.2007

After all the tribulation, the Lord will wipe away your tears and peace will reign on earth. Humanity will know the wonders of the Lord and all will live happily. There will not be hungry, and the Lord will reign in the hearts of men and women of faith. 3002 - 27/05/2008

You will walk in paradise and there will be no more suffering. Know that the Lord has prepared for his what human eyes have never seen. When you pass all the Tribulation, will arise a new heaven and a new earth. In heaven there will be an extraordinary sign. Men will seek an answer not find it, because the secret is from God. 2528 - 28.05.2005

When all seems lost, the Lord will come to you with great victory. Faithful men will be protected by the Lord. Humanity will be transformed, and the faithful will live on Earth without pain and without wars. The Lord will wipe away your tears. The invisible garden will be visible to human eyes. 2805 - 01.03.2007

After all the tribulation, the Lord will transform the earth and peace will reign among men. God will usher in rivers in the desert, and there will be great abundance in the poorest regions of the earth. The wonders of the Lord will be great. Men understand the call of the Lord and all will serve him with love and fidelity. For a long time happiness will reign among men 2,716 - 05/08/2006

The angels of the Lord will come and woe to those who have corrupted the earth. Three great expel those who do evil and defy the Creator. Be careful. Come back to the Lord. 2,896 - 29/09/2007 (20th anniversary of the apparitions)

After all the tribulation, the Church will try great joy 2916 - 14/11/2007

After all the tribulation, my Jesus will send his angels. The earth will be transformed and everything will be different now covered. The righteous will inherit a land transformed, in which there will be neither death nor pain. Everyone will be happy and peace will reign forever 2921 - 24/11/2007

Apocalisse - Capitolo 7

Il trionfo dei nuovi eletti in cielo

[9]Dopo ciò, apparve una moltitudine immensa, che nessuno poteva contare, di ogni nazione, razza, popolo e lingua. Tutti stavano in piedi davanti al trono e davanti all'Agnello, avvolti in vesti candide, e portavano palme nelle mani.

[13]Uno dei vegliardi allora si rivolse a me e disse: "Essi sono coloro che sono passati attraverso la grande tribolazione e hanno lavato le loro vesti rendendole candide col sangue dell'Agnello. [15]Per questo stanno davanti al trono di Dio e gli prestano servizio giorno e notte nel suo santuario; e Colui che siede sul trono stenderà la sua tenda sopra di loro.

[16] Non avranno più fame,
né avranno più sete,
né li colpirà il sole,

né arsura di sorta,
l'Agnello che sta in mezzo al trono
sarà il loro pastore

e li guiderà alle fonti delle acque della vita.
Dio tergerà ogni lacrima dai loro occhi".


There will come a day when the righteous will be separated from the unrighteous. The reward of the Lord will come with his elect. Courage. When all seems lost, the Fiat of the Lord will transform the earth and everyone will live happily. 4132 - 28.4.2015

the earth will pass through great transformations. Humanity will be completely transformed and God will usher in the most deserted places a beauty that human eyes have ever seen. The hidden wonders may be provided by men. The righteous will inherit a new earth and will not experience any pain. All of this will be after the great purification. 3.192 - July 25, 2009

When it all for you in this life is over, He will open for you the door of eternal happiness. Courage. Kneel in prayer and live with joy my appeals. The day will come when you will see peace reign on Earth and will come, for men and women of faith, the fulfillment of the promises made by the Lord. Then there will be no sadness reasons, because in the heart of the righteous there will be full joy. So you will see new heavens and a new earth. Rejoice, because your names are already written in Heaven. 3633-6 April 2012 Good Friday

Those who remain faithful to the end will be proclaimed heroes of the faith 3,707 - September 13, 2012

When everything will be done, My Son will return in glory, and all shall stand before Him. Humanity will contemplate the glory and the believers will rejoice. The great reward will be given to the men and women of faith. 2776 - 23/12/2006

What the great prophets announced will be built 2,888 - 11/09/2007 There will be anguish or death.

The Earth will be a new heaven and God will reign in the heart of his people 2,817 - 27.03.2007

the fiat of God will transform everything and men will live fully happy. 3.961 - April 1, 2014

The Lord has prepared for his elect things never seen by human eyes. The Fiat of God will raise up a new Earth. 3.996 - 17 June 2014

(for a full message check out please see below links by years and please use automatic translation)

complete messages: Messages 2005 Messages 2006 Messages 2007 Messages 2008 Messages 2009 Messages 2010  Messages 2011  Messages 2012 - Messages 2013 - Messages 2014  - Messages 2015  - Messages 2016 - Prophetic Messages 2005-2016

original website


see also  prophecies from the last prophet Mary the Devine Mercy


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important note:

from the catholic church catechism

Articolo 7


I. He will return in the GLORY to judje deads and alives

The last test of the Church

675 Before the coming of Christ, the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers [Cf ⇒ Lk 18.8; ⇒ Mt 24,12]. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth [Cf ⇒ Lk 21,12; ⇒ Jn 15,19-20] will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh [cf ⇒ 2 Thess 2.4 to 12; 675 ⇒ 1 Thess 5,2-3; ⇒ 2 Jn 1,7; ⇒ 1 Jn 2:18; ⇒ 1 Jn 2:22].

677 The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection [cf ⇒ Ap 13.8]. The kingdom will be fulfilled, then through a historic triumph of the Church [cf ⇒ Ap 20.7 to 10] a progressive ascendancy, but through God's victory over the final unleashing of evil [cf ⇒ Ap 21.2-4] that will down from heaven his Bride [cf ⇒ Ap 20,12]. God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Rating [cf ⇒ 2 Pt 3,12-13] after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world [cf ⇒ Dn 7.10; ⇒ Gl 3-4; ⇒ 677 Ml 3,19].